
UoM China Centre Alumni Legal Club series talk on Equity

日期:2018-05-24 浏览:2134作者:UOM

In the afternoon of May 19, 2018,the University of Manchester China Centre Alumni Legal Club series talk on ”Equity distribution and value application of startups” was successfully held at theScience Park of Shanghai University of Engineering Science. Legal experts from Legal Master shared with alumni and entreprenuers at the Science Park legal advice and all engaged in learning activities and networking.


Invited by Ms. Fiona Xu, AMBS GMBA alumnus and the University of China Centre Alumni Legal Club Founder, Mr. Yugang Zhao, a lawyer and the deputy general manager of Legal Master, shared his insights on the hot topic of equity. Experts from the Science Park of Shanghai University of Engineering Science introduced the development and policy of the Park, triggering heated discussion among audience. GMBA alumni and entrepreneurs from the University of Manchester shared their acchivements and entrepreneurial experience in industries such as environmental protection, construction, dental equipment, techonology education, and fashion, resonating with the audience who are eager to learn and start their own business. Finally, the activities were successfully concluded with a tour of the Science Park. Please look forward to more upcoming activities organized by the University of China Centre Alumni Legal Club.

本次活动由俱乐部组织者徐莹Fiona Xu主持,律派巨匠副总经理赵玉刚律师受邀在现场分享了他在股权这个热门话题上的真知灼见,现场反响热烈。工程技术大学科技园的专家在现场向曼彻斯特大学校友们介绍了创业园区的发展和政策,为大家的创业热情做了导师引领。活动还设计了创业企业心路分享环节,GMBA创业者们展示了自己的创业成果,校友们的创业项目涉及各行各业,有环保、装修建材、牙科器械、科技教育、时尚行业等等。其中多位校友更是分享了心路历程,引起了现场共鸣。最后,活动在园区参观中圆满结束。敬请期待曼彻斯特大学中国中心校友法律俱乐部今后走进创业园区的更多活动!